Video – how to enhance your property marketing

Should you be using video to enhance your property marketing? Trying to carry on working during lockdowns forced many estate agents to look at using video to sell property as physical viewings weren’t an option at the time. As we returned to normal operations over the last year, videos seem to have gone back to… Read More

September property data – 2018 Bath property market update

September is the beginning of the meteorological autumn (1st) and was called Gerstmonath by the Anglo Saxons (barley month). Michaelmas Day on the 29th is traditionally the last day of the harvest season. Our usual quota of Bath property stats can be found below, including a link to our full spreadsheet (seven sections of property… Read More

Take five

Take five; Sellers – get your IPad out and save five minutes for five quick checks before estate agents valuations It’s the day you’ve booked to for all the estate agents to come round – before each one turns up, take five with a cuppa of your choice and have a whip round the five… Read More

The agents behind the masks

Online agents haven’t been much of a factor in the Bath property market in the past and, despite massive advertising campaigns, the biggest players in this sector still have less than 2.5% market share in the city (less than half of what they would claim in other areas of the country). Like many agents, in… Read More

Has Rightmove become the new Tinder?

Has Rightmove become the new Tinder? Are we treating property apps like dating apps? Swipe. Match. Chat. Swipe. Match. Buy? I recently met an applicant who had phoned into the office and booked to see two properties that had caught his eye. Whilst on the viewings, it transpired that these houses wouldn’t suit him at… Read More

Brochures – how properly checking yours can really pay off

You’ve chosen your estate agent. The measuring and photos are done so I’d hope the next step is for your agent to send you the brochures to approve. Given the information below, they certainly should; Code of Practice for Residential Estate Agents Section 7 clause J – “Prior to commencement of marketing, the written details… Read More